2021 Cascade Chapter Musical Theater Festival



  • Registration deadline: Thurs. October 28, 9:59 pm PDT

  • Mandatory adjudicator meeting: Thurs. November 4, 7 pm

  • Adjudication period: November 5-12

  • Festival workshops: Sat. November 13

  • Chapter meeting: Sat. November 13 at 12:00 noon

  • Honors Recital: Sun. November 14, live on Facebook

BRIAN VESTER SWINGLE MUSIC THEATRE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: The singer who displays the most outstanding example of musical theatre style and performance practice during the Honors Recital will be awarded the $300 Brian Vester Swingle Music Theatre Scholarship Award. This singer will be chosen by a panel of chapter board members in attendance who do not have a singer performing on the recital.

CASCADE NATS MUSICAL THEATER PERFORMANCE AWARD: $300 Presented annually to a music theater singer who communicates the story exceptionally well during the honors recital. This singer will be chosen by a panel of chapter board members in attendance who do not have a singer performing on the recital.

Please familiarize yourself with the new Regulations and Rubric from the National committee, as well as the new website. There are so many resources, from sample comments and audio clips demonstrating MT vocal stylisms, to tips for making great videos and more. But especially notice in the new regulations:

p. 6 - who you may register as your student

p. 7 - exception to the rule about accompanists for COVID-era auditions

p. 8 - new category terms

p. 12- new MT terms

Watch the new, much shorter, Audition video from our National Auditions chair, Mark McQuade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0XjK8S0ws

NATS National Student Auditions Regulations

Musical Theater Rubric

NATS Student Auditions Guidance Fall 2021

Cascade Chapter October 10 Musical Theater Adjudication Workshop

Preparing to be a good adjudicator


At the chapter level, we have Children and Youth Categories. In AuditionWare, there is no way to select their lower grades in the pull down menu. You may simply select “9th grade”.

NB: With online auditions, at the chapter level we allow longer time intervals than the National or Regional levels you will see listed in the category descriptions. Singers are never to be penalized for having more music than the allotted time for their category.



• Record your video in the spirit of a live audition or recital performance.

• You may record in a home, school, church, synagogue, recital hall, rehearsal room, or voice studio with good natural acoustics with or without an audience.

• Dress professionally, as you would for a recital or live audition.

Recording Instructions

• Record a separate video for each selection on your repertoire list.

• Record from a fixed position as if three adjudicators were seated in front of you.

• Face straight forward to the camera as you would appear to adjudicators in a live audition.

• Video recordings must clearly show your face and upper body.


  • Introduce each selection at the beginning of the video. Introduce yourself by saying: “My Name is__________; “I will sing—Title of Composition---by—Composer—and if appropriate—from---Title of Work”. (The identity of your teacher, school, and region should not be revealed.)

  • You must perform each of your selections from memory on your recording. CAUTION: In viewing your tablet or phone during the recording, if you give the impression you are using music for your audition, you may be disqualified.

  • Participants in all categories (classical, musical theatre, spirituals, and CM) must perform full songs or arias. 16-bar, 32-bar, etc. cuts are not acceptable.

Preparing the YouTube Settings

  • Please note that you must select "unlisted" in the Privacy settings found under the broadcasting and Sharing Options section when uploading your video file to YouTube.

  • If you select "private," adjudicators will not be able to access your submission(s). If you select “Public”, you may encounter copyright issues with YouTube.

 Video Titles and Notes

  • Each video title should contain the singer’s name and the name of the chapter, district, region, or national audition based on the audition for which you are submitting the video. (i.e. Jane Doe – Eastern Region NATS) If the same video is used for a different audition, the video title MUST be changed to reflect the new audition. (i.e. From the Eastern Region to the National Preliminary Round.)

  • In the YouTube “Notes” section, please include the Title, Composer, and Larger Work (if applicable).

  • YouTube Channel Titles & Images must NOT reveal Teacher, School, or Studio affiliations.


  • In the application, provide the web link/address for each video that corresponds to the appropriate repertoire selection – either 3, 4, or 5 total selections, depending on your audition category.

  • Please double check the links you provide for each video before submitting your application.

  • Indicate which video you and your student would like to be used should the student be selected for the Honors Livestream.

Invalid Videos

The following video problems would make them invalid.(in addition to the aforementioned grounds for disqualification such as memorization, incorrect repertoire or orchestrated accompaniment)

  • Videos revealing the teacher’s identity, school, or studio affiliation.

  • Videos with “private” sharing options (see above).

  • Videos that pan and zoom during performances.

  • Videos using recording equipment that alters the acoustics of the venue or the sound quality of the singer by adding/subtracting reverb or altering the pitches being sung.

  • Videos that are digitally altered.

COMMENTS ONLY All students have the option of being adjudicated “for comments only". Check the box following the prompt “Singing for Comments only?” directly above the Category/Pianist section.  In the event of Repertoire Requirement discrepancies, students may still sing but will receive "comments only.”


Adjudication Forms (and all sorts of other good information such as adjudicating rubric and NATS regulations) can be found inside the AuditionWare site, on the Dashboard (click the little house, upper left hand corner).  Click “Forms/Miscellaneous” under our specific competition.

These sheets completed with adjudicators scores and comments will be available after the Honors Recital. Access them by logging in through AuditionWare again, selecting “Print student forms”.