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In Memorium
NATS Cascade Chapter is saddened to announce the passing of long-time member, colleague and friend, Carole Stewart.
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Carole Jean Stewart
Carole Jean Stewart was born February 27, 1931 in Omaha Nebraska, and passed away March 16, 2023 in her own home. She was fiercely independent and always in performance or teaching mode, still teaching voice until she was 89 years old. Carole graduated from University of Oregon with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education, then went on to receive a Master’s Degree in Vocal Performance from Lewis & Clark College, studied at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, and pursued a Doctorate at U of O.
Carole sang professionally with Portland Opera, Portland Symphonic Choir, and as a soloist for Oregon Symphony, Eugene Symphony, and the Metropolitan Youth Symphony. She loved teaching and began her music teaching career in the Springfield school district, then moved to Tigard school district and became their first Elementary Music Specialist, writing their original music curriculum guide. She later started her own private teaching studio in her home where she offered Voice, Piano and Guitar lessons, as well as trained and mentored Piano and Voice teachers, some of whom became NATS members. As if all of this wasn’t enough, Carole also taught on the Voice Faculties of George Fox and Willamette University. Carole served the NATS Cascade Chapter as President, Oregon District Governor, and finally NATS Foundation Representative, as well as President of Mu Phi Epsilon’s Portland Chapter. Carole was passionate about singing, music education and her private students, gardening, her family, including Oregon Musicians Hall of Fame blues pianist/singer son DK Stewart, and her cats, naming her surviving cat Wolfgang Amadeus Catzart, aka Volfie.
Carole’s influence in Oregon’s vocal music world is widespread and she and her loving generous heart are greatly missed by all the lives she touched.
In lieu of flowers, the family have suggested donations be made to the NATS Cascade Chapter.
Online donations may be made to the Dagny Gustafson fund on our website .
If you would like to make a donation by check, please log in to the members only access page, and instructions are available.
If you would like to contact the family, please reach out to member Karen Mallory for the contact information.
Click here to read comprehensive information on the national site.
Discover the various levels of membership:
Associate Membership
Yes. Once you join the national organization, you will have the opportunity to join a chapter.
Before applying, read through the NATS Code of Ethics.
Visit the Join a Chapter page on the nats.org site for details.
Memberships are annual, with each year’s effective date beginning January 1st and expiring December 31st. If you want to check to see if you are up-to-date on your membership dues, please contact cascadenatschapter@gmail.com. Email addresses are available here with a password.
Visit the NATS website Online Renewal page
Fill out the update form on the Members Only page. Any questions may be directed to the Membership Chair.
NATS is not a referral service, but rather a place for voice professionals to gather and maintain the mandate of the national NATS chapter which is: quality teaching. There is, however, a national profile registry, where a member is able to advertise their studio. Please go to the find a teacher page if you wish to access that registry.